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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Uh Oh- Paperless Classrooms May Make Snow Days Obsolete!

The accessibility of paperless classrooms allow for students and teachers to work anytime, anywhere, and from any device. 

Suddenly being face to face in the same location isn't that important anymore. 

Buh bye snow days. 

It's already happening out west!

Click on the link below to view a recent Today show video:

The end of snow days for students?

Check out this other Today show video and article:

Would states consider revising laws so that virtual school days count towards student attendance requirements?

That option is mentioned in this similar Weather Channel article:

Technology may eliminate snow days for Minnesota students

*Update: A school in Carlisle, Pennsylvania made up a snow day with an eDay on 4/6/15. Read the details here: It's happening - A Pennsylvania School Makes Up A Snow Day With An eDay!

Do students, teachers, and administrators really ever need to report to a specific location at a specific time for learning to occur and progress? Of course not! Virtual schools are the ultimate answer to anywhere, anytime, any device learning. Read more here: I got schooled on virtual schools. 

Read about the positive aspects of  going paperless here:

Friday, January 23, 2015

4 Tips for Paperless Classroom Success

In a paperless classroom, students have online accounts, folders, and binders.

In a typical week, my students may use: Edmodo, Google Classroom, Newsela, Socrative, Quizlet,  Google Drive, TED-Ed, eduCanon, Padlet, and more.

Here are a few ways I've learned to ensure paperless success:

1.  Keep it simple!

When students set up usernames and passwords, require that they are exactly the same as the school network login.

Otherwise, much valuable class time will be wasted while the teacher looks up usernames and resets passwords. On an average day, my students have 2-4 logins, so it has to be a quick, smooth, and efficient process.

Students tend to create usernames and passwords that are very "in the moment" and bound to be forgotten (ie. beyonceFan*713).

2.  Maintain high standards.

Many students will initially try to take a casual approach when working online. Nip that in the bud! Let them know right away that online classrooms and related sites are professional and academic environments. 

Require that students use complete sentences, spell correctly, avoid abbreviations, punctuate, and use capital and lowercase letters properly. That last one is huge! No one should be referring to him/herself as "i" just because it's an online environment.

A great way to roll out your high standards is through an online discussion. You can quickly delete any comments that don't measure up. Students will end up seeing each other creating posts that meet your standards and soon being proper and using sentences will look like the norm.

Also, require that students use legal first and last names with proper capitalization when they set up any online account. My most memorable experience based example? When "da bomb" joined my Edmodo classes last year.

Details matter! Presentation matters! These are life lessons that will serve students well.

3.  Make it fun!

When introducing a new platform or program - whether it's Socrative, My Big Campus, Padlet, etc make sure that first time is fun, low stakes, and something where students can have a positive experience and feel successful.

4.  Adopt a no-stress policy.

There will be some glitches and hiccups, so when they inevitably occur, don't let that cause stress. Let students know that you don't want them to experience any stress due to technology. 

As a class, agree to adopt a no-stress policy and to remind each other about the no-stress policy as needed.

Apply the so-stress policy to outside of school as well. Direct students to not needlessly flounder if they run into tech issues at home. No single assignment or activity is so crucial that it can't wait another day. 

Paperless Classroom Website

Why Online Discussions Are Better Than Traditional Classroom Discussions

Benefits of Paperless Classrooms - There Are Many!

Friday, January 9, 2015